Insight is golden. It is a precious find in the lives of humans. I, for one, am a seeker of this "Holy Grail". Insight leads one onto the path of discovery which includes discovering what led to the "building blocks" of inaccurate reasoning. When the individual enters psychotherapy she/he is confronted with these building blocks or might I refer to them as "stumbling blocks".
Seated Woman, J.R. Frieman |
The determination to change one's outlook is not always easy since overcoming obstacles toward a more positive life requires determination. Many times change can be experienced as an ongoing process in the person's life. To overcome difficulties towards a more positive life is a wise choice. Step by step insight and analysis helps when the individual experiences setbacks. Along the path to better well being these setbacks can include negative people or a series of negative experiences which fused the stumbling blocks of negative perception; whether it be low self esteem or other misperceptions.
Reclining Woman, J.R. Frieman |
One way to ease this dilemma between therapy sessions is to participate in creative activities. What has been gaining in popularity is coloring. Adult coloring books are available in some retail and online outlets. Another creative outlet is "journaling". Writing one's thoughts and feelings in a notebook or diary provides an outlet for pouring out emotions. Last but not least is exercise. Even a simple walk can ease tensions and raise those serotonin and dopamine levels. Meditation, Yoga and Ty Chi share in the relaxation process also.
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